Start your top managem​ent consulting career today!

Gabriel Goldbrain helps graduates enter leading strategy and top managment consulting firms.

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Get the training and advice you need to become a highly paid management consultant




success fee

•  CV interviews - as many as required
•  Case interviews - as many as required
•  Case reviews
•  Goldbrain facts and data training
•  Personality & behaviour coaching
•  Goldbrain Whatsapp Q&A chat group
•  Goldbrain certificate
•  Free training materials
•   Offer guarantee. Once you get accepted by Gabriel Goldbrain, we guarantee that you get an offer from one of the top 20 consulting firms.
If you do not succeed, no fees have to be paid!

       ! Training starts in January 2025 !


 € 995

•  15 min - CV interview
•  3x 45min case interviews
•  3x detailed case review + feedback
•  Goldbrain certificate

           BUY NOW         


*free if your CV qualifies for the Goldbrain SUCCESS Training

•  15min - CV interview
•  1x 45min case interview
•  1x detailed case review + feedback
•  Goldbrain certificate

Apply with your cv

€ 495

If your CV doesn't qualify for the SUCCESS Training, you can still buy this pack to boost your skills:


We advise leaders on strategy, marketing, organization and IT

The secret of the Goldbrain



Boost your career!

You are dedicated to become a management consultant? You got what it takes?

Apply to the Goldbrain SUCCESS training!

We train you rigorously to optimize your chances. The training is success based only: Only if you succeed, Goldbrain gets paid!


Image from Freepik

Can you outperform
your peers?

read more

You only get one chance to impress McKinsey, BCG, Bain, L.E.K., Berger and the likes of your skills. Make sure that you play on a level playing field. We ensure that you get your fair chance even though you may start from a second grade position.

IVY League University

Your peers studied at Ivy League universities and did case studies every day. Their grades are excellent and they exactly got the skills which are required to become a strategy consultant.

Can you compete?

International experience

Your peers studied abroad. They speak four languages, e.g. English, Chinese, Portugese and Spanish.

How many languages do you speak?

EntrepreneuriaL Track RECORD

Your peers founded or worked in start-ups during their studies or they had high-calibre internships or student jobs e.g. in investment banking, corporate business development or management consulting.

How can you demonstrate entrepreneurial thinking?


Your peers got professional coaching since school. Their CVs, grades and skills perfectly fit the needs of strategy consulting firms.

How can you catch up on case training?


Your peers landed schoolarships with renowned institutions. They have an excellenet alumni network and can draw from that experience. They have won national or international math or similar competitions.

What do you bring to the table?


Your peers chaired social or student organizations, were head boy or girl of their school.

Where did you demonstrate leadership?

Learn from a winner

Goldbrain has seen things from all angles! Goldbrain was successful in strategy consulting, industry, venture capital/private equity and industry. He knows what counts and what makes you excell as an ambitious manager or candidate.

Get rigorous feedback

Goldbrain takes a rigorous, blunt and straight forward way to evaluate your performance. Only if someone puts it straight into your face, you will be able to improve. Be sure, Goldbrain does.

Achieve amazing results

Goldbrain brings you to the next level. Advance as an ambitious manager or get the consulting job you ever dreamed of.

Only pay when you succeed

Goldbrain guarantees your success: you only pay for the coaching if you succeed. Apply for the SUCCESS plan.

Go beyond your limits

Depending on your experience, Goldbrain will develop and provide you with all training materials you need, to succeed. You will be pushed beyond your limits to win under pressure and in tough competition.

Get whatsapp support

SUCCESS plan candidates have direct access to Goldbrain's Whatsapp group. Ask your questions whenever your need support.


Gabriel Gold​brain

Gabriel Goldbrain is an experienced business professional with more than 15 years of experience in strategy/ management consulting, M&A, venture capital/private equity and the manufacturing industry. He started his career as a strategy consultant at L.E.K. consulting, then he solved complex problems for customers of A.T. Kearney (today Kearney) and other boutique consulting firms as a freelance consultant. He worked in venture capital and facilitated numerous fires sales in distressed M&A. As a director of strategy he successfuly managed the NYSE IPO of a leading anglo/german specialty chemical company together with private equity investors making it one of their best exits.

Management consulting

Private equity/ venture capital



How to apply for Gabriel Goldbrain's SUCCESS training programme?

Four easy steps to become part of Gabriel Goldbrain's SUCCESS training programme which will prepare you very well for your interviews at leading strategy consulting firms.


Apply with your CV, so Goldbrain can assess if you got what it takes to become a top management consultant


If your CV impressed Goldbrain, we will send you the onboarding questionnnaire and may request further documents


You may now receive an invitation to the Goldbrain assessment interview where we talk about your CV, its flaws, your goals and test your relevant qualitative and quantitative skills


Once you convinced Goldbrain that you got what it takes to become a management consultant, you sign the Goldbrain training agreement and follow the training plan developped for you

Useful materials

Graduates that want to start their career in international top management consulting firms and ambitious managers will find a lot of useful training and information materials here

Leading management consulting firms

The definitive list of the top national and international strategy and management consulting firms


Best practice powerpoint design summarized in a single powerpoint chart


Collection of slides discussed in Gabriel Goldbrain Youtube videos


Use the structure of this best practice excel model template to succeed in strategic business analyses

CV Template

This CV template provides a clear structure and is perfectly suited for graduates and managers

Application checklist

A checklist that includes all documents which you should append to your CV

Recommended BOOKS

Books we recommend for graduates and experienced managers

Image from Pixabay

Contact Us

 Cal​l us (24/7)

  +1 210 503 9679

 +43 1 928 1707


  +852 2632 9655

  +44 20 4576 5980

Images from Freepik

 E-Mail - concerning the SUCCESS training

cv [at]

office [at]

 E-Mail - backoffice topics only


Goldbrain S.R.L., ​​061103 Bucuresti, sector 6, Blvd. Iuliu Maniu nr. 6L, cladirea Campus 6.1, Etajul 2, Romania

 ​Managing director / administrator

Soufiene Ben Amar


RO 47990524